Thursday, 16 August 2012

Inner Schweinhund

To paraphrase Baron Von Richthofen, first you must overcome your inner Schweinhund. To me that is fear, and that little, or sometimes big, part of you that says....i'm hurt, or i'll be stronger tomorrow, or sundry other things.  Little bastard is cunning, sometimes he brings up medical issues, or lack of sleep, or sometimes he just grabs the controls, and you discover that you just put down the kettlebell half way through the set. He got me today, but I helped him.  A little background. I am getting ready for a one hour long cycle for charity.  That means you take  a kettlebell, 12k in my case, and you clean it to your shoulder, pause and then jerk it overhead (think sophisticated cheat press).  Repeat. Switch hands as often as you want ( i switch every 10 reps). My plan was to increase my time from 45 to 50 mins. Dumb. Way too big an increase for me at this time.  Then I got up and sat around (normally i start my workout asap in the morning) while it got hotter and hotter. Then i failed... not surprising considering i set myself up for failure.  Got 30 mins.  funny thing is 3 weeks ago i would have been happy with that.  Right now, as close as i am to my envelope, i should have been going for a one or two min. increase, not 5.  In training, it is important, no, crucial, to increase in small increments.  Set yourself up for sucess, and send the Inner Schweinhund to the dog park, not the workout area.