Wednesday, 31 August 2011

power, technique, endurance.

today's morning workout was designed to combine power, technique, and endurance. I warmed up with 10 mins. of sword and gladius. Then I did 10 minutes of power, tech, endurance. I set my timer to go off every min. I would then do either 3 reps of resisted pushups (power pushup by lifeline, but you can use a backpack with wts), or 3 reps of weighted chins (8lbs), using the explode up, lower slower method.. These  were alternated for 10 mins. For the remainder of the minute I did 1/empty hand 2/ gladius and shield 3/ stick patterns / 4 /knife flow 5/ ground mobility. repeat. The short rest break, with movement, allows me to maintain heart rate, whilst getting some recovery, however by the last sets, I am struggling to maintain reps in the power, and technique and pace in the rest of the minute. This is what is intended.  Ideally I would have a heavy bag, and or pell, but I need my space open on other nights. However I do work in front of the mirror, so that I can check technique, and aim at myself (so far, I have missed). Next week, I will increase  reps to 4.  Before my hip operation I did this workout with dumbbell clean and jerk. It all works....some not use new techniques for either the power exercise, or the martial arts exercise, you need well grooved movements, or the slop will be evil, and you will be practising poor technique.

Monday, 29 August 2011

changes...and a good workout.

I am retiring from my job, effective Nov. 07/11.  Which will cause changes in how/when/where I train.  More germane to my current life, the pool at the university is closed.  Since my pool workout incorporates martial arts movements as well as swimming, I need to replace those movements in my weekly routine.  My answer is too incorporate the arts back into my resistance training. My workout this morning was 1 min each (amap As Many As Possible), 1/ 20k kbell swings, 2/ gladius and shield,3/ kbell, 2 bell jerks, 16k bells, 4/empy hand work  5/bob and weave squats, 6/ foot work drills,  last set with sidesword,  7/ self row on trx 8/ stick.  9/ medicine ball abs  10/ knife, or cell phone flow (i teach people, if you are going to pack a damn cell phone, learn to use it for something other than annoying people on transit.) I went through that 3 times. 30 minutes I get some strength, endurance, and weapon specific training in a fatigued condition.  Now i need something to hit besides my students... took down my heavy bag after my hip operation, and now i need the room to teach....

Friday, 19 August 2011

Swimming and martial arts

just went for a swim at lunch, 1200m.  I feel stretched out, worked out, yet refreshed.  In my experience, swimming is very easy to recover from, relative of course, to intensity. It does not leave me as drained as an equivalent run. Swimming also requires a relaxed full body extertion, and of course, a focus on breathing.  This makes it an excellent adjunct to FMA and other martial arts, and it is joint friendly.  And swimming in the ocean can be so refreshing, yet so infinitely larger, uncaring opponent, that you must work with, not against. I am not saying that swimming is the only, or the best crosstraining for FMA, just that it has, as every activity does, some distinct strengths...and weaknesses (doesn't work the legs as much as running, and it can soften your hands for a few hours, leading to some unexpected blisters if you pick up a stick, or sword, or knife.)

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Jockin it

Well-rounded weekend...I am still, at heart, a jock. Someone who likes to do a lot of activities, and accepts that she/he will never be the best at anything. That said, my primary activity is FMA, and everything else feeds off, or into that. Saturday, I did KBells with Trish Dong at Code 5 fitness. Comraderie, challenge, strength. Did 5mins of snatch, 12k, one switch at 2:30. 53 reps left, 52 right. Then Turkish get-ups. I looked best in the silk belly dancer outfit, but preferred the Janassarie costume (just kidding TGU is a great exercise where you go from flat on your back to upright. Very good for core, legs, balance, body name it.) I think the benefits to FMA are apparent, but GS kbeller's will be chortling at my numbers. Sunday, did a strong uphill hike with my wife, dogs, and friends. Uphill hiking challenges the legs and the will. Again, by the standard of a hard core hiker, slow, and not far enough...for them, plenty far for me. Then did 3 minutes, 30 seconds off, rounds of carrenza, or shadow workd, with empty hand, sword, sword and shield, sticks, knife, gladius, wrestling, anyos/jurus. 18 rounds total. Sunday, went down to Kits beach, and did 37 mins. of open water swimming (I hear the triathletes that i used to hang with saying "nice warm up, dude"). I will never be the best at any of these things, including my beloved FMA, but, frankly, even if i concentrated on one, I still wouldn't be the best. And I wouldn't be having as much fun.